13.6 C

    The Definitive Guide To Marketing Your Business On Instagram


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    When Instagram first popped onto the scene back in 2010, it was just like any other social platform: filled with selfies, pets, and pictures of food.

    Fast-forward to 2019 and Instagram’s transformation from a simple photo sharing app to a full-on marketing channel is nearly complete.

    Just look at some of the platform’s newest features! In the last year alone, Instagram has released dozens of new tool for businesses, including advanced analytics, shoppable Instagram posts, and new ways to drive traffic from Instagram Stories, and the new standalone video platform, IGTV.

    Whether you work in ecommerce, education, or media and publishing, it pays to build a presence on Instagram. But if you really want to get ahead, you need to know the platform (and your audience) inside and out, including what kind of content resonates most, how to build an Instagram Stories strategy, and how to track your metrics and KPIs.

    That’s where this guide comes in. In the next 16 chapters, we’ll walk you through:

    • The fundamentals of a well-rounded Instagram marketing strategy
    • Tips on how to create an effective Instagram profile
    • Running your first Instagram influencer marketing campaign
    • The ins and outs of your Instagram analytics
    • Tips on how to use Instagram Stories for business
    • And so much more!

    But first, let’s take a look at why Instagram marketing is so effective for ecommerce businesses in particular.

    Curated – read the full article here
