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    Is the reason why so much violence is that the police focus too much on petty crimes?


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    Wuerzburg News Blog

    You have gotten into a fight outside a bar, or were drunk and smashed a bottle on the ground, or made graffiti in a place you thought was allowed, or made disorderly conduct, or was peeing in the wild, or your son stole something small at a store, or was caught smoking weed.

    The police focus on so many of these issues are they neglect to check on the refugees or other known violent people.

    If you commit a petting crime, you are ordered to go to jail for 2-4 weeks, and pay fines, then are subjected to random alcohol tests and illegal search and seizure in your residence without a court order. This takes time and resources.

    Have you ever heard of an asylum seeker’s home being searched? Even if they were known to cause trouble? You don’t hear about it because it is not done. The over two thousand police say they don’t have time.

    The result is clear, the murder at the local Woolworth store, the murder outside the Stift Haug Church, the knife attack outside the Meet & Eat on Barbarossaplatz, the Axe train terrorist, and many other violent crimes you don’t hear about in the news because the police forbid it to be published.

    Why should first-offense petty crimes be subject to so much police activity ongoing? It is a waste of resources and doesn’t make sense.

    Let us know what you think.
